Friday, 31 May 2013

Spring at last!

There is nowhere as heartachingly beautiful as an English hedgerow in May. A froth of cow parsley, joyful buttercups, a haze of tiny speedwell. The grasses are tall, a few poppies dancing among them and the nettle flowers are quietly elegant. Bluebells late to flower struggle up through it all. The hazy sun has turned the dandelion clocks silvery, and unexpectedly I happen on a patch of knapweed, shocking almost in its blueness.

At home in the garden early this evening a blackbird is in his usual spot atop next door's chimney singing his heart out. None of the great composers of opera wrote anything so vital and beautiful as that song.

I love the sight, sound and smell of it all. I have lived on three continents and nothing can compare to this. The love of it is a physical pain yet also a comfort, like coming home after a long absence.

And I am really running again! For now I have a goal over the next 3 months of getting to a reasonable 10 miles. I saw the consultant today and she says I can run. My hips are ok, spine not so good. I'm living with the fear of a spinal fracture and cannot have that fear confirmed or allayed until I get scanned again in 2-3 years. That's not great to deal with but for now it is spring and I can run.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Quietly Getting On

It's been a little while since I last posted here. The dreadful news from Boston really shook me. Running for me is a fundamental expression of the joy of being human- what better way of rejoicing in having legs than going for a run? Runners do no harm so why hurt them.

I should be running my first marathon this coming Monday except I'm not allowed to. If I were to entertain the thought of just having a go anyway the last 8 months of injury, illness then more injury have had a huge impact on my fitness and I would do so much harm to attempt a long run. But I've now completed 3 weeks of training back at the gym and that feels positive. I've even managed 3 fartleks of an hour each. No sprinting though, just brisk walking and a gentle run when it's felt right. At a gentle pace running seems to be ok although so far I can't manage more than 5 minutes of it.

Knitting and sewing have had to go on hold- it's a struggle to be back at work, keep up my training schedule and look after the children and run the house let alone do any of the 'crafty' things I find so restorative. But I've spent a bit of time in the garden (for health reasons I need to spend time in the sun) and have some vegetable seedlings going- so far broad and purple climbing beans, carrots, beetroot and salad leafs are planted out. Waiting on the Swiss chard to get a bit bigger and we'll see if this year will be better for courgettes...