It's been a very long time since I've written here. Plenty of times I've begun to compose a post in my head but with one thing and another just never got around to actually putting fingers to keyboard. It's been quite a year so perhaps a summary of what's been happening is a good idea. And believe it or not some of it does include a bit of running!
I quit my zero hours job that I loved. The insecurity had become too much and was causing recurring issues with things like the Tax Credits. I still really miss the students I was supporting and as they were all professional cookery students I really hope they have been able to find work or stay on to get their level 2 qualifications.
Having impulsively applied for a job just a few hours before it closed for applications, I found myself in a full-time permanent post for the first time in 6 years. It's near where I live and the school is about to enter a period of significant changes. I thought it could be an exciting place to be and might offer some interesting opportunities in the next few years. Covid and lockdown meant I'd been in post just a couple of weeks or so before having to work from home.
I loved being at home with my kids. We went to the zoo several times and fell in love with the chickens there. At the end of May I took part in the Centurion Running One Community event as the SDW100 wasn't going to happen. The 100 mile ttraining week I did instead as part of the One Community event was incredibly hard. It wiped me out and quite frankly I completely fell out of love with running.
June-July: Back into work. Masive heeby-jeebies about it.
August: I don't really know. It just went!
Work with the full school open. Incredibly stressful.
Then after not knowing if the Robin Hood 100 was going to happen, it did happen and I did run it. And I ran 100 miles in one go, really not at all prepared for it. A top 10 finish in a time of 23 hours and about 17 minutes.
And Princess Leia, Willow and Doyle came to live with us.
The top picture is Princess Leia on the left and Willow. The imperious chicken at the window is Doyle.
The chickens are the most wonderful creatures and we love them very much. Unfortunately they are now in chicken lock-down as there is the avian influenza about and just as we were all in full lock-down in the spring and summer, all hens now have to be kept indoors or in a covered and fully enclosed run. Our three are not at all impressed with this but it's the rules from Defra.
October- November:
Work is incredibly stressful. In November I started to do little Crossfit-style workouts at home and halved my running mileage. It has done wonders for my general fitness and even though the workouts have been almost entirely bodyweight exercises I have built quite a bit of muscle and managed to shift some of that menopot belly. It's been fun, challenging, and could well be the way forward in terms of staying fit and strong as I get older.
I've completed seven weeks of five Crossfit-type workouts a week and will be taking a short break from it. It's a huge relief to have made it to the end of term in one piece despite a mini falling-apart last month.
This month I also heard words that I thought I'd never hear again.
One of many Hugglings made this year. Sending you woolly hugs during these difficult times.