Wednesday, 20 February 2013


It's been a while. Busy at work, seemingly never-ending lurgy sapping my energy, treatments for my running injury, huge rearranging of the space at home... One of those times where one is really busy indeed but has nothing of interest to say. I could wax lyrical about being able to hang the washing outside for the first time in months and actually bring it in dry at the end of the day. A most ordinary event but one that always gives me a tiny glow of hope: warmer, brighter weather is on the way.

Towards the end of last week the crocuses suddenly appeared. One day there were faint spikes of purple and yellow and the next the garden was full of ankle-high floral fireworks. Even the primroses have got going. The daffodils remain reticent though. In another fit of optimism I dug out a pack of broad bean seeds and planted the lot, then tipped all the remaining orange thyme seeds onto another seed tray and stuck them in the propagator. Maybe this year will be better...

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