Friday, 12 April 2013

Time to get on

Valentino Cat has been knitted, sewn together and put in the post. He was a delight to make and I really enjoyed the little details in the knitting like the W&T in the tail to get the perfect shape. Here he is:

He's from the fabulous Sue Stratford's latest book 'Knitted Cats and Kittens'.

Today I returned to the gym after about an 8 week absence. It wasn't easy to make myself go but once there it was fine and I enjoyed training. I'm going to get some advice on the best sort of training I can do in order to get back into something resembling shape whilst avoiding impact and not overloading my body with weights. It's going to be hard work but once I'm back in the routine of training on set days it will get easier. Eventually I'll be in better shape too. Really important just in case I have to have a hip replacement.

On the suggestion of a friend I tuned in to the Sewing Bee program on iplayer the other evening. I have always been terrible at sewing (although as enthusiastic as I am terrible!) but now I am inspired to try a bit more than cobbling together costumes for whatever theme day is happening at my children's school. Yesterday I went and bought some lovely cotton fabric and I shall settle down this evening to make a couple of simple skirts. It's not cheaper than buying from the shops, but these days it's getting harder to find things I like or things I think are suitable for the children. I'll keep you posted on my sewing exploits!

...and then I made this. Found the instructions for this on the great interweb- from a blog entitled Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom. There are some great things out there on blogs by mums in the USA. I don't think I did too badly for a first attempt!

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