Saturday, 3 May 2014

Back again!

It's been a very long time since I've been here. Nothing wildly exciting has happened. I'm still running when health and fitness allow and got up to a sub 50 minute 10km. Right now the lurgy has struck again which, coupled with really messed up hamstrings, means I haven't run for a week now. I've no idea how my hamstrings went wrong- I am so careful about stretching and these days also have a good foam roller routine I use at least once a week.

Work is fine too. And I'm hopeful of being able to stay put at least until next April, albeit doing a different job. I dipped a toe in the world of secondary education- and truly it was terrifying!- so I am quite happy to stay with KS2 for now. It's crunch time as SATs loom very large and near. We've done all we can to make sure the children are all ready and it's just up to them now...

There hasn't been much knitting going on but various bits and pieces of sewing, especially felt things. My camera has more or less died so no photos, but I've made several bird mobiles, more felt brooches and bits and bobs like that, and I have also stitched a few baby toys for a friend. O, and of course the usual costumes for things at school.

Best news of all: my baby bro got married last month!

(No, I didn't make the cake- I can't do lovely decorating like that!)

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