30 days 185.9 out of 600 miles
It's 30 days into the Centurion Running virtual slam now. I'm still on target but it's been hard going. Work is very tiring at the moment, partly because of the fear of getting Covid, but there's a lot of other things going on which leave me feeling wiped out most days. It's busy being the teens' taxi driver too- they are both involved in their school's show so I've been driving them to and from rehearsals on top of the usual after school stuff.
A lot of my running has been squeezing in 4 miles here and there either in between the early morning chores before work, or after work before driving to get the teens from school. It's kept the miles ticking over but it's not really how I want to be running. It's begun to feel like a chore and in order to keep on target I've had to drop my strength work and CrossFit to a minimum. This is not something my body is best pleased with. However, the initial deep fatigue I felt with running more often has subsided and my 'easy' pace is now quicker, so there have been some fitness gains.
The lower leg issues continue to grumble. I haven't been able to unpick what's going on- there's some swelling, reduced range of motion plus some nerve impingement but it seems to be more or less manageable at the moment. I'd rather not have anything to manage and I don't know if this problem will ever properly go away, but all I can do is focus on running with good form, doing what I can to keep a decent ROM in my ankle and remember to do self-massage on my lower leg.
I will keep up with the mileage target for as long as it's compatible with staying healthy, but so far running regularly hasn't rekindled my love for it and I wonder if I ever will truly find joy in it again.