Sunday 18 September 2022

A post-script

 I left something out of my post about the Two Towers race as I'd promised to write about the race for Allan and one thing wasn't really relevant to a race report but is very much part of my journey both in running and life.

Almost 6 months ago I wrote a post about beginning to feel better about running and life again. Not only did I make new friends on that hike and start to feel some love for running the trails again, but it was the beginning of finding some love in my life. In August I mentioned that there's been a lot of change, and one of those changes is Mike. 

 Mike and I have known each other for years- tiny phone friends who a couple of times have coincided at races. In fact, we ran a fair chunk of our first 100 miler together at the 2018 edition of the Autumn 100 (read about that here). Logistically things are not straightforward but the faith and the commitment are, and that's all that matters. I never thought I'd be in this situation again and was entirely focussing on training for the Copthorne later this year as a kind of substitute for a meaningful relationship. In previous posts I've written that I've felt overwhelmed with the grief and hurt of events last year and that at times keeping my head above water has felt too much. Now it feels as though I have an anchor. 

It means so much to know he'll be there at the Copthorne- that race is going to ask more of me than anything I've ever done and I'm not ashamed to say I will need Mike's support to help me through. We make a good team and I think the future is full of many miles and smiles.

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