Tuesday, 24 December 2024
Christmas flowers
To the mystery sender of these flowers, thank you so much. They've even settled themselves into a heart shape!
Monday, 23 December 2024
A Time of Uncertainty
The expected happened the week before I wasn't going to run the Copthorne 200.
The last time I saw my mum was on Hallowe'en, surrounded by bats.
The funeral happened earlier this month, and we will at some point have the ashes interred in a spot at the village church.
I don't really have anything else I can say about it all. The last six weeks or so have felt quite surreal- the contrast between the peaceful and gentle time I've spent with dad and family and the absolute craziness of work has been difficult to navigate. And life has felt relentless with any time at home spent frantically trying to catch up on chores or preparing to be away again.
But to step back to my last post, I thought that the decision to withdraw from the Copthorne race would feel like the lifting of a burden and that I'd get back to enjoying running and training because it was fun. That didn't happen. Instead I have found it harder and harder to find the motivation to get up and out, to run, lift, jump. I do think that this winter the lengthening hours of darkness have hit me especially hard- I genuinely could be in bed for every hour and minute there's no daylight. There's a deep tiredness right to my bones, malaise is probably a better word for it, that I just can't shift. Yet despite the mental and physical 'splat' I feel lost without a specific goal to work towards.
Last year my sole aim was to see if I could recover from Covid. Moving house and job upheaval spiced that up a bit. This year was all about Copthorne but underneath it all I wonder if I just didn't care enough. With a really big goal you have want to achieve it more than anything, and if I'm honest I just don't feel that way about running any more. Like other things I have loved and that have been my all, it's turned around and hurt me so deeply that those wounds will never truly heal.
I know that my identity is not based on me the runner but I do feel fractured, floating adrift. Lacking in purpose. That's it- I don't have a 'why'. I continue to do just about enough training to help my bones and be generally healthy. Often I don't enjoy it but it's a necessity, one of those things like cleaning the the toilet or putting out the bins that you just have to do because the consequences of not doing are undesirable. And for me, that's not enough 'why'.
Work is also an uncertainty. The current situation in education is extremely challenging for a number of reasons. I'm waiting to see how the economic situation is going to affect my workplace- the DfE says schools will have to make 'efficiencies' but how to do that when schools are already cut to the bone? I am not presently afraid of redundancy and it is even possible that the current climate will actually create some opportunities. But I will have to see how the next little while goes.
For the next few days I will try to put all the uncertainty to one side and just rest. Perhaps the weather will finally be settled enough for me to get into the garden- there is much work to do out there!
But for now I wish you few readers a joyous Christmas.
Wednesday, 25 September 2024
Journey to a DNS
This is a bit of a rough and ready post- it's been very difficult to write.
The joy is in the journey, as the saying goes. Certainly the journey has been fun at times and deciding to work with a coach has been the best decision I've made in a very long time. I'm fitter and stronger than ever and have achieved things I never imagined being able to even attempt. The journey has also been really tough. Meeting those challenges has brought gains not just in terms of physical fitness and strength, but also in a hugely improved my relationship with my body and food. But for a number of reasons training for the Copthorne 200 has proved to be more than I can cope with and I have decided to withdraw from the race.
It's been quite a year so far:
Running-wise: I started working with my coach in January. January to May I raced a marathon or a 50km each month. June and August I ran unsupported 50kms on the Copthorne loop.
General life stuff: I've had to switch between four different jobs, for a while juggling three zero hour contracts before returning to full-time work in the classroom. Despite being back in a regular job, money is still a constant worry and that's something that takes too much of my energy. There's been the ASC diagnosis journey with one of my children whilst supporting them through A-levels. Eldest has a new job for which they need the car so I have only very limited access to transport. This has a huge impact on so many aspects of life, especially as public transport is so limited and unreliable where we live. My mum is now in the last weeks of terminal cancer so I'm back to the weekend round trips of 500 miles. Moya-hen left us at the start of this week and her last hours just broke my heart. And try as I might, I simply can't get back to pre-Covid levels of energy and resilience.
So piling all of the life stuff on top of the training needed just to deserve to be on the start line of a 200 mile race has left me overwhelmed and exhausted. I can't put in the hours of training I need to and mentally I haven't got the spare energy or the drive. There has been so much challenge and difficulty in daily life that I feel no inclination to seek out the self-indulgence of extreme ultra suffering- I don't need to prove that I can suffer and keep going. I feel in the middle of a perfect storm and something has to give- I'm not willing for that something to be my family or my health and sanity.
But maybe I never cared enough about the race in the first place. Maybe my motivation isn't honest enough- am I still trying to prove a point to people who don't care and shouldn't matter any more? Maybe you're thinking I don't have what it takes anyway.
Fortunately I have the most fantastic coach and I'm going to keep working with him, just adjust the focus and perhaps work towards a completely different goal in a completely different sport. Watch this space...
Friday, 31 May 2024
Less than six months to go
As I write, tomorrow is June. Just under 25 weeks before the main race of the year.
How is it all going? Well the work I'm doing with my coach is paying off. I'm stronger, fitter and recovering better than ever. And my mental game is stronger too. It's so good being able to talk through things with someone else and have them challenge me, get me to reassess my thought processes and mindset. Knowing that someone has my back is such a huge thing.
I'm also very hungry! Getting to grips with nutrition is proving a significant part of this training journey too. I think I have a much better relationship with food and eating now- it does help that the training I've been doing has significantly changed my body composition and the menopot belly is gone- but my understanding of the need to fuel properly is deeper and I'm not afraid to eat enough. In the past I've generally only had compliments about my figure when I've been quite underweight so when my coach told me the other week that I'm looking solid I was delighted. Because he means that I look strong, able to endure. I've made a conscious effort in myself not to slip into saying I feel 'big' or 'heavy' but to choose a more positive word like 'sturdy' (like the rebuilt Andromeda when Doyle asks her how she feels in her new avatar).
That positive self-talk is something we've discussed in my training sessions too. The fact that if I'm giving myself a hard time, focussing on things that aren't going well or on feeling tired or unhappy, then it will just reinforce not feeling so good.
Last Sunday I had an opportunity to put a lot of this into practice when I ran Runaway Racing Greensand Country 50k The last two races I've done haven't gone to plan and I've not enjoyed them so this time I really wanted to have a better day out. Whilst I don't really like the idea of liquid calories, I gave Mountain Fuel Xtreme Energy fuel another try as I've just not been taking in sufficient calories during races; I figured it would also get me drinking more too. I also decided not to be so speedy through aid stations but instead to take time to get some real food and empty out then properly refill my bottles. Both the liquid calories and the extra minute or two at aid stations really did seem to help. I didn't have a meltdown or require a power sob and I never got as far as that horrible can't think straight or be rational state that I know is down to not eating and drinking enough.
I also made an effort to appreciate the day- I was grateful for the sun because I love running in the sun but I was also appreciative of the rain as it was refreshing. Every stretch of flat, downhill or smooth road and trail I took as a gift allowing me to properly run. And I did run most of it despite the return of that hip flexor niggle. I accepted it was uncomfortable, that it was making it hard to pick up my right leg properly but I knew it would probably stop hurting a few hours after finishing the race so there was no point in worrying or being upset about it.
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The last 1km or so of the race. I was pushing myself hard but able to smile. |
I had a lovely day out- a little slower than I would have liked (still sneaking into the top 10 though!) but I made a bad shoe choice because I hadn't expected the mud to be Mud of Epic Proportions. I rescued a vole; saw demoiselles, butterflies and stunning foxgloves; heard so much birdsong. Lots of members of the public were out and about and everyone was so friendly and encouraging. I would definitely recommend this race for anyone wanting to run an ultra but is a bit nervous about it.
This was a race I needed to go well- either for things to go to plan or to be able to take any setbacks in my stride. The hard work is where growth happens and it was so good to see that hard work pay off and to be able to appreciate the progress I'm making.
Life right now is far from perfect- more change is on the horizon and will require a lot of adjustment and adaptation on my part- but I'll settle for honest hard work and the opportunity to keep learning.
Wednesday, 8 May 2024
Spring update
I was going to write a report on running Canary Trail Events inaugural Surrey Hills Marathon in March but never got around to it. Partly because of being busy but also because I had a rubbish day and I didn't want to make it sound like the event is rubbish because it's not. It was friendly, low-key, well-organised, everything you'd expect from the CTE team. But I just had a bad day out. My head wasn't in the right place at all and I couldn't focus on the task in hand. And I had a complete melt down at mile 20, for ne obvious reason just completely fell apart.
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Photo by Lenny Martin |
Anyway, for various reasons it's been tough trying to recover from the last race but I'm doing my best to focus on nutrition, sleep and adapting training to what I think my body needs.
Right now the race in November feels like an impossibility. I can't see or imagine how I can be ready for it let alone finish. When I was training for Copthorne 100 I was really focussed and training for that race was the most important thing in my life but I can't seem to find that drive and focus now. I don't know if it's because I don't care enough about it, whether I'm deeply fatigued, whether the pressures of simply surviving and making ends meet are taking all my energy.
Saturday, 10 February 2024
New beginnings
Yes, it's been far too long since the last post. I'm not going to do a huge recap on everything that has happened but here is a brief summary:
Between the last post and August 2023 not an awful lot, mostly very tired.
August 2023 I ran a marafun on a loopy loop timed event. I'd spent the first part of the summer break utterly wiped out- getting out of bed was a struggle, doing anything much left me so tired I'd have to lie down and rest- but I'd set myself the goal of going to this looped event just to see how I'd manage. I took things really easy and actually once I'd got a couple of loops done my body remembered about running and it felt good.
That same day I had a phone call saying the housing association paperwork had all gone through and as of that moment we were tenants of a house in a nearby village.
So we packed up and moved house!
The house is great and the garden is enormous. It needs an equally enormous amount of work, but that is going to be a project of many years
September was particularly dreadful for all sorts of reasons, and I realised that I needed to make some significant changes in my life. Those decisions have not been easy, not all the repercussions have been comfortable to live with, but for the first time in many years I feel as though a weight has been lifted, there is no longer the Sunday evening dread, and I'm free to choose not to work if I'm feeling exhausted.
In October I ran a little ultra- a 50km loop not too far from where I live. It was just lovely! I felt good most of the way round, met a couple of runners who kept me to an honest pace as I was tiring. At the finish I was given a little certificate- first in my age group!
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Running in the autumn sunshine in the Chiltern Hills |
Over the winter various plans for a change of workplace/career didn't come to fruition for all sorts of reasons.
January 2024 saw some big changes. I have several jobs that more or less seem to fit together, all still in education but no longer as a TA stuck in a school. It's tough at times, there are days when the pay really doesn't reflect just how hard I've had to work. My brain is being used again, I'm learning so much, and I'm meeting some really amazing people. I hadn't realised just how bad boredom and stagnation was for me- although I'm now very busy I don't feel drained, wrung out and a shell of myself.
I did another loopy loop event and came 2nd in the marafun distance. I'd wanted to do another loop but the mud was so awful I could barely stay upright and it wasn't worth risking a fall and potential injury.
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Medal and T-shirt from the Running Tribe event |
February the lovely DWP are trying to throw a spanner in the works telling me I'm not working enough- but I'd say 4-6 days a week is a decent amount of work. We'll have to see how that all turns out...
I completed a temperature blanket last year. It turned out a bit untidy but it was fun to make and I'm making another this year but for for a friend. Lessons from last year's attempt have been learned and taken into consideration this time round, and I think will result in a fabulous finished article.
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The finished temperature blanket with Salvatore the Octopus and Hug Me the Dinosaur |
It's been tough getting back to regular running. Both the races last year were off the back of very little mileage. It seemed to work well enough but longer-term I'm worried whether I'll be able to keep running ultras off 20-30 miles a week. This year I signed up to the Centurion Running virtual slam again, aiming to complete the 500 mile distance. It's just not going to happen. Things started off fine as it was the Christmas break and there was much less going on, but I just can't keep up with the mileage. Not just because of having less time but because trying to hit 50 miles every week on top of work is making me so tired.
Post-menopause I am definitely noticing that I can't do the volume of training that I did even 2 years ago. I am getting more tired and recovery takes longer. So I've found myself a coach as, since what used to work for me doesn't any more, I need to train smarter. but I can't figure out what to do by myself. My coach is not a runner but that's great because he's not going to try and make me do running stuff that doesn't work for me. We're doing lots of hard but (mostly) fun stuff to prepare my body for a challenge that will probably leave me broken. I'm not thinking too much about the challenge- I want to enjoy the journey of being ready to stand on the start line.
So it's a year of new beginnings in so many ways. I don't anticipate it being a smooth ride, but let's just see what this year has in store...