Saturday, 18 January 2025

Round and round we go

 I pretty much slept the Christmas holidays away, I was so tired. I didn't do any of the things I'd hoped or planned except I did finally learn how to knit a Mobius strip.  And then I knitted some more. 

And some hyperbolic surfaces.

The year has started with a long course of antibiotics which I'm really not enjoying.  I don't do new year resolutions, but I did want to use a new year to get back to consistency with both strength work and running. It looked like I'd found a routine I could stick to... but then I went over on my ankle on a run.

And just as that has healed I'm down with one of the lurgies going round at work and have spent the weekend so far not feeling up to doing anything of what I wanted. It is so very frustrating.

It just feels like another year of obstacles and setbacks already.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I hope you are feeling better Sinead. I have a Mobius strip pattern amongst my many unknitted patterns. I also have many "works in progress" so well done for actually making things!